The sun is shining in all her tropical glory today. Heat is radiating up from the gritty sand, even as I hide in the shade and contemplate the words as they roll through my fingers and onto the screen.

Yesterday brought more than I can possibly have imagined. By mid day I had had so many moments of clarity that I had asked the reception to locate me a notebook as my writing scrapbook would soon be filled. The ideas that exploded in my brain were about business, income streams, value that I could contribute that aligned with my passions, and they came thick and fast. I believe I am most of the way to mapping my next income stream, as well as reigniting my passion of writing and sharing my journey in story. I will soon begin posting this soul journey on my blog. The last time I shared adventures I was told by many that they loved my writing and that sharing my experiences had helped them in various ways. For us, Stephen and I, for our Company and passion “This Extraordinary Life Together” (TELT) it brought a level of credibility and with it some big investors. All of this come together in the synchronistic way fate has of aligning with a persons’ will and singularity of purpose and it culminated in TELT closing the deal of the century, forever changing our fortunes.

In fact, having just written all that above, I don’t know why I ever stopped writing and sharing.
I guess life got in the way. I struggled during covid. With Stephen an essential worker I found myself locked in the house regularly and for long periods with two children, two businesses and no support. Sometimes I thought I was drowning in frustration and tasks that I could not set my mind to in between the needs of an infant and a three year old. Insert mum-life-montage here, and these kids became a toddler and a five year old as the pandemic dragged on while my ideas, creativity, and self care languished. I turned to drinking to blur the hard edges of frustration. It was just a drink or two most afternoons, surely not “problem” drinking. An occasional fun-soaked bender with a wild crew who seemed to need the same outlet that I did. I knew why I was doing it, and I continued to choose the path. It helped me to keep putting one foot in front of the other during those challenging months that became years, and I kicked the proverbial can down the road.
Those choices have certainly demanded my payment in the last six months as I have watched these friendships dissolve on all sides in a hotbed of small town gossip and assumption. People who I thought were ‘lifers’, forever friends, vanishing in the winds of change. But here I have begun musing on one of the things that I am here to release. Which brings me to my second habit.
Habit: To hold the space I have created for positive, growth oriented thoughts only. This is the letting go. If I have to explain my character to my friends, then they are not truly friends. People who know me will know I stand by integrity as a core value. Those who don’t see this can go in peace, they are not my people. So today, and henceforth, when I feel frustrated at how I have been spoken of, misrepresented or how those I loved have turned away I will just breathe out, and with that breath goes the need to explain, to hold on or to feel any hurt. I breathe out and let go. I hold this space for joy, abundance, love, leadership and creativity.
So as I mused my way through the day now passed, the grey afternoon clouds snagged upon the coconut palms on the island, the still silvery waters and yellow sand littered with tropical flowers, the ideas flowed like a river and I began to set the habits that would hold the space for change in my life. The tourists came and went, marching a path to and fro from the bar like the tiny crabs skittering colourful shells across the beach, the sun arced the sky somewhere behind the steamy clouds, the dancers danced, and I wrote, thought, listened, read and dreamed. Chasing sunsets, I ended the day walking the beach and washing my mind in the colours as fire met the cool clear water.

Habit 1. Gratitude.
Today I am grateful for;
- A long deep sleep in my garden bure.
- The run I did around the island. I am grateful for the ease with which my body moves, breathes, stretches. I feel strong.
- The lady who let me hotspot her phone to send a message and photo to the kids. They are never far from my mind and I miss them deeply in moments, but I know I must take this time for me, to be my best self and I accept that feeling of missing them as a reason to feel gratitude for the deep loving experience of being a mother.
Habit 2. Breathe out the thoughts of all the people, things and circumstances that do not serve my exploding forward in joy and abundance.